Specialty Testing
Pharmacogenomics Genetic Test (PGX)
Identifies specific pathogenic gene sequences that alter how each patient metabolizes medications and assist in the reduction of adverse reactions. This testing covers all the major drug classes including: pain management, cardiovascular, mental health, endocrine, diabetes, antibiotics/antivirals/antifungals, etc
Cancer Genetic Test (CGX)
Examines genes associated with hereditary cancer and increases early detection and intervention
Cardiovascular Genetic Testing
Examines genes and particular pathogenic gene sequences associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease
Neurological Genetic Test (PAD)
Examines genes that are associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinsons/Alzheimers/Dementia, and allow for early intervention and personalized treatment plans
Immunodeficiency Genetic Test (PID)
Examines genes associated with primary immunodeficiencies
Diabetes Genetic Test
Identifies a patient's disease-causing or pathogenic variant, which assists in personalizing the management of the condition and can increase the effectiveness of the treatment plan
Pulmonary Genetic Test
Examines genes that are associated with an increased risk for respiratory diseases and allow for early intervention and personalized treatment plans
*If the testing desired is not listed above, please reach out to your sales representative for a complete list of services